Rear view back porch with wide open natural view


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New Buffalo, Michigan, 2023, Architectural Design / Interior Design

A Restful Beach Home Extends Nature Within

The beach landscape sat right outside the door but the chaotic and noisy existing home disconnected the lived experience from nature.

On our walk from the home to the beach we observed the raw beauty of the natural landscape and drew inspiration for our interior design: the unforced rhythms of the wind swept sand, the shadow and pattern of slatted wind fencing, and seagulls soaring overhead.

Interior Designer for Kitchen and Bathroom Remodels in New Buffalo, MI

Through the redesign of this house, we calmed and brightened the interiors by refining the color palette to light wood tones paired with bright, neutral whites and natural stone. We focused the interior flow and views on the adjacent landscape, creating moments with nature through cozy window seats. We introduced acoustic absorbing batting behind slatted wood ceilings and walls to add warmth and a nod to the wind fence along the beach. We even invited the seagulls into the beach house with fun felt pendant fixtures seeming to circle the dining table.

Allowing nature to inform our design created a bright, restful place that’s truly an extension of a day at the beach.